Friday, February 06, 2009

Early morning Sundial

These are the sun spots that hit this wall in my bedroom when I wake up with the blinds partially closed, at various times of the early morning during the 4 months that I have been here.
The sun strikes that wall between 6 and 8 am with a slightly different shape each time. From the day I first woke up in this bedroom, I couldn't resist grabbing a pencil and marking the spots - thinking that it would be a sundial to tell the time as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning. The variety was so great that a difference of a few seconds meant a whole new shape and placement.
Sometimes they had moved by the time I could mark the row from top to bottom.
When the sun got too low in the winter , I painted the ones already marked.
The sculpture is simply on an existing screw in the wall but I like her there with her imperfection

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