Thursday, April 24, 2008


So many unknown quantities and directions in this period of suspended animation as I wait to hear the outcome of negotiations regarding where I will be living next year. So many changes to occur at the end of the approaching summer that I can hardly plan ahead until I know for sure what they will be.Life in stasis - hopefully only till I know for sure.
Or, perhaps as the heat sets in so does sluggishness, and perhaps the time limit of living in a place not my own - has been reached anyhow. C
hange, one of my major motivations - is calling out of every corner including the cupboards that need sorting out again....
And so it is not without reason that this brittle balance of time is in these egg-shell light pieces which are still to be refired with the glaze.
These fragile vessels are made in terracotta
earthen ware, white fine clay and gray stoneware low fired. Fine and delicate as they are, absolutely NO paper clay was used after all.

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