Friday, April 10, 2009

Taking the Random Papers out of doodling

Tons of newpapers, phone sticky notes, random papers and plenty of black ink, have been thrown away covered in my doodles for years. "Kids dont leave any important papers near where I am sitting - you wont recognize them once I am done."
Suddenly it occurs to me to use paper intended for the doodling, and the right kind of permanent ink, and hey, I love the results! This one is clearly, "SMILES"
More on the Doodle 2d page of my website.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Suddenly today - change as a way of life

Suddenly today I needed to change the look of my website

Does the need for change creep up on us, simmering slowly till is bursts out - manifesting itself as a need for immediate action? Or, are some of us just brats in terms of immediate satisfaction?
I have moved house about 15 times, not all of them through need. Somtimes - well, after moving rooms and furniture enough times, one needs something more Novel. A new city, a new country, and new job, a new life..
Living in Jaffa was enough of a challenge, the house never got finished . I could probably have stayed there forever...but I can't prove it.
Change, change, change.
It has taken me six months in Pardes Hanna to realize that I don't want to move.
I will have to make all the changes within the area I own, and plenty can still be done. Unless I have to make a change, I can really imagine living my life here. ( I might deny this later...)

But change is a necessity for me and so, for today, I had to go with a change to my website. Satisfying for now. Probably not the final look.
Hope you like it.
Any ideas for more changes?