Suddenly today I needed to change the look of
my websiteDoes the need for change creep up on us, simmering slowly till is bursts out - manifesting itself as a need for immediate action? Or, are some of us just brats in terms of immediate satisfaction?
I have moved house about 15 times, not all of them through need. Somtimes - well, after moving rooms and furniture enough times, one needs something more Novel. A new city, a new country, and new job, a new life..
Living in Jaffa was enough of a challenge, the house never got finished . I could probably have stayed there forever...but I can't prove it.
Change, change, change.
It has taken me six months in Pardes Hanna to realize that I don't want to move.
I will have to make all the changes within the area I own, and plenty can still be done. Unless I have to make a change, I can really imagine living my life here. ( I might deny this later...)
But change is a necessity for me and so, for today, I had to go with a change to my website. Satisfying for now. Probably not the final look.
Hope you like it.
Any ideas for more changes?