Monday, November 24, 2008

Bewildered by The New Israeli Anti Spam Law

Not that I won't be happy to stop deleting 100's of spam mails from my Gmail spam folder, and not that I won't be delighted if the odd mass marketing mail doesn't slip through into my Mac Mail program there to be marked in brown as spam. But somehow this is a little over the top I think.

In any case I have sent out my pre-law request for people to advise me if they would like to be removed from my list of Ceramic Art invitations and news, and some have, which is fine. But perhaps I was supposed to do it the other way around and ask people to let me know if they would like to stick around for more news. Some of my friends have told me to keep sending...

But would it be spam again if I send out another letter asking people to answer in the postitive and isnt it more likely that NO's will send in their cancellation requests?

And am I still abiding by the law then??

And Please if you are reading this, ask me to take you off before you sue me. I really am not spam. I am nothing like the stuff I get in my spam box. Oh and by the way, 99.9% of the spam I get doesn't come from local Israeli long is the long arm of the law??

Looking forward to seeing you at exhibitions and on my blog.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

pigeon pie

More stuff going on...
Turns out not only do I have pigeon nests, I have tiny drain flies. They too need extermination. And me still without the STUDIO or the LIFT.
Life is about changing plans as priorities lead you down a different path, spending your allocated money on things that are far more urgent.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

where the studio will one day be

utilize the space for fun while we wait to transform it into a studio!!!

Friday, November 07, 2008

And now for something Completely Different

Public Health, hospitals, independence, dependence, age, Carpe Diem, provision for old age, pension, nest eggs, wealth, poverty - all this difficult stuff I never want to think about, these are the issues that took over this week.

My almost 90 year old mother fell and broke her elbow, which has thrown me into dealing with completely different issues in addition to the current fixing my studio, apartment etc.
She (we) had to wait around for 7 hours in the ER to get attention , fasted 24 hours instead of 6 while waiting for surgery which started 10 hours after schedule - here is the resulting cast. Its heavy and its huge.
Now she is back at her wonderful Beit Protea home, where warm and wonderful people take care of her and we hope she recovers completely and soon.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

And so we progress

The frame is up . Not sure when the covers arrive, but for the moment it gives the terrace a nice warm look that begs for wisteria and geraniums. But dont look too closely. The workmanship and finish is NOT what I thought I was paying for...perhaps its just as well it will be mostly covered up and used as a workspace.